Sanskara Hearing Solutions

Types of hearing aid

Hearing Loss can affect the core areas of your life, from hindering your relationships to your emotional state of mind. Types of hearing aid is a blessing in disguise – helping you to overcome all hearing-related turmoil! It is an electronic device with a battery inside it. All it aims to do is to improve your hearing capacity in quiet and noisy places. It works well by using the below three things –

  • An amplifier helps in making the sound boisterous or loud enough
  • The receiver allows sending the sounds amplified by the amplifier to your ears
  • A microphone enables grabbing the sounds in your surroundings

It enhances the sound volume that your ears can grasp and ultimately results in better speech and communication without any interference. However, based on the depth of the damage to your hearing cells, amplification will be required by hearing aids. The article is aimed at providing you with in-depth knowledge about hearing aids. 

Types of Hearing Aids 

A hearing is generally foe le whose nerve links the ear with the brain, and the inner ear is injured due to noise pollution, age factor, internal ear infection, or a high dose of medications. Following this, there are two types of Hearing Aid designed –   

  • Digital Hearing Aid 

Digital Hearing Aid 
Digital Hearing Aid by Sanskara hearing aid

It is meant to transform the sound waves in the form of numerical codes before performing its amplification. This transformation is similar to the computer code language in the binary form, i.e., 0 or 1.  

The numerical code includes the pitch and the direction of the sound. It adjusts automatically based on your surroundings like you need a lesser volume in the library or a higher volume in a stadium. They are more reliable, durable, affordable, and smaller in size. 

  • Analog Hearing Aid 

Analog Hearing Aid 
Analog Hearing Aid

It helps in hearing by transforming the sound waves into electrical signals and then further amplifying them. They are usually less expensive and affordable. They come with a volume controller based on which you can alter the volume as per your need. 

They are customized according to the ear size. Then, based on one click, you can adjust the volume according to a quiet room, restaurant, or anywhere else. An audiologist will understand your specifications and design the hearing aid using more than one setting and program. 

Different Types of Hearing Aid suggested by the Hearing aid Doctor:

Following are the various types of hearing aid and their specification – 

  • In-The-Ear

In-The-Ear Hearing Aid
In-The-Ear Hearing Aid

It thoroughly fits through the innermost part of your outer ears. The hard plastic is used to hold all the electronic elements. 

  • Few ITE have added telecoils
  • Not applicable for children
  • Require casing replacements with the growth in ears
  • Appropriate for people facing mild to Severe Hearing Loss
  • Behind-The-Ear

Behind-The-Ear hearing aid
Behind-The-Ear hearing aid

They are fitted behind your ears, having a hard plastic case. It involves the insertion of the narrow tube inside of your ear canal. It helps to remain the ear canal open to absorb the surrounding noise. 

  • Small and Open-Fit Hearing Aid
  • Mini BTE is fitted behind your ears
  • Durable with minimum chances of getting damaged 
  • Applicable for people of all age groups 
  • Recommended for people facing ear wax and pulp up inside the ear
  • Canal

canal hearing aid
canal hearing aid

It fits nicely inside your ear canal. Canal-based hearing aids are available in two styles – ITC in-the-canal & CIC completely-in-canal. 

  • Applicable for hearing problems which are in mild to moderate stage
  • Smaller on size 
  • Less space available to adjust outer batteries & telecoil
  • Hearing aids for severe hearing loss

Based on your age, lifestyle, the severity of trouble in hearing, and your expenditures, – Our audiologist’s will suggest you the proper hearing aids that will best fit your needs! However, before this, put your inquiry to us such that our team can examine the depth of your hearing problems and can assist you with the best aid possible.