Sanskara Hearing Solutions

best hearing aids for seniors

Technology has helped each and every one. Our Team has bought the Best Hearing Aids for Seniors, who are facing hearing issues in their day to day life. Types of hearing issues or Hearing loss is a state where a person loses his hearing abilities. It is often led by genetics, loud noises, age factors, and comorbidities. Hearing problems makes it difficult to listen to doorbells, alarms, and even what others are trying to say. 

Hearing loss is directly proportional to a disturbed lifestyle. The more it’s seen in the senior people, the more it leads to worsening their communication skills and declining day-to-day functional activities. 


  • More than ⅓ of the adults aged between 61 years to 70 years are under the trap of hearing loss problems. 
  • Almost 28% of US adults suffer from hearing losses. 
  • More than 80% of the older people above 85 years face hearing issues.
  • After Arthritis and hypertension, hearing loss is found to be the most common problem in senior people. 

Best Hearing Aids for Seniors

best hearing aids for seniors
best hearing aids for seniors

Yes, they are difficult to find! But, it has become simpler to treat the following signs of hearing loss with Sanskara Hearing Solution

Signs of Hearing Loss

  • Complications while hearing others
  • Difficulty in having a smooth conversation because of non-hearing 
  • Often watch Tv or listen to songs, Radio, etc. at the high volume 
  • Disruptive communication over the telephone
  • The obstacle in understanding women or children as compared to men 
  • Background noise irritates the core of you, leaving you frustrated at times
  • Wondering why people whisper while talking to you although they talk in the usual tone
  • You often tend to ask people to pardon

Hearing Loss issues faced by Seniors

Severe hearing loss in the senior people might lead to Meniere’s disease that affects their inner ear leading to the bursting of both the ears, Presbycusis or slow hearing due to increasing age, Tinnitus where they face sudden ringing on the ears, and Acoustic Neuroma leading to tumours in the acoustic nerve. During this time, we promises to provide the Best Hearing Aids for Seniors. Some of the practical life issues faced by the seniors are –

  • Mental health deterioration

One of the 2004 studies revealed that hearing problems in adults could lead to depression. In addition, as per the JAMA Otolaryngology Neck Surgery, not using hearing aids for severe hearing loss can make it challenging to communicate with others, further giving birth to depression. 

  • Worsening lifestyle

More than 70% of the senior adults are reportedly believed to isolate themselves from social gatherings. Because of their hearing problems, they cannot follow up on the conversations with friends or families. It severely affects the lifestyle of a person and cognitive performance, making him lose interest in everything. 

  • Gut Problems 

Do you know that hearing loss in adults can often lead to muscle tension, digestion, and constipation? Eventually, with the increasing hearing problems and your age, irritable bowel syndrome starts to manifest itself. 

  • Breaking Relationships

One of the surveys conducted in 2007 states that a hearing loss leads to unseen obstacles in maintaining the existing relationship in the long term. It leads to 43% of men facing relationship problems due to hearing loss. Adult women encountered issues while speaking confidently with their batchmates or families. 

  • Professional Struggle

One of the studies conducted by the Better Hearing Institute in 2007 stated that people facing hearing problems struggle to make money. They make $20,000 less annually than the regular people. 

Don’t be shy – it’s the right time to contact us for Hearing Solution if you are among those facing hearing loss! Waiting and hiding this illness due to embarrassment will do no good to you; instead, it will worsen the situation. So let us know your problem to treat you with hearing aids for severe hearing loss.