Living without one of your senses is worse than some of us can imagine. However, many do suffer from such disabilities, out of which hearing loss is a common phenomenon.
According to the latest research, around 5% of the world’s population, i.e. 34 million adults and 32 million children, have hearing loss. However, even with the vast numbers, it is not something to panic about as scientific advancements have brought us better tools to overcome the situation.
What Is Hearing Loss?
In simple words, hearing loss is a condition when you are unable to detect another voice. It is of 3 types. But before understanding the types of hearing loss, let us assess the parts of the ear and their functioning.
There Are Three Parts Of The Ear-
Outer Ear
It is the visible area, including the ear canal and pinna. Its job is to gather the surrounding soundwaves and direct them into the ear canal.
Middle Ear
The middle ear has three ear bones in an air-filled cavity that helps sound to transmit from the eardrum to the bones that take it further towards the inner ear.
Inner Ear
Here, we can see fluid-filled membranes and a snail-shaped chamber called the cochlea that takes the sound waves towards the brain. There are tiny sensors on the cochlea that convert the sound vibrations into electrical impulses before taking them towards the brain.
Types of Hearing Loss
The condition when hearing loss happens due to malfunctioning in the outer and middle ear.
Sensorineural is when the inner ear has a malfunction.
As the name suggests, mixed hearing loss is when a person experiences conductive and sensorineural conditions.
What Are The Causes Of Hearing Loss?
Aging is a prominent reason, but many other culprits are responsible for hearing loss in children and adults. Few such causes are-
Damage In The Eardrum (Tympanic Membrane Perforation)
Rupture in the eardrum can result from a loud blast, poking with sharp objects, or recurrent infection. There are high chances that the conditions cause partial or complete hearing loss.
Build-up Of Earwax
Earwax build-up can cause a blockage and hinder the flow of soundwaves. The condition can cause a temporary hearing loss, and in most cases, the removal of ear wax restores the problem. However, it is advisable to reach a doctor for earwax removal, or you may end with a ruptured eardrum.
Frequent Ear Infections
If you face ear infections every three months, it is wise to visit a doctor and opt for medication since these may damage your eardrum causing hearing loss.
Tumours Or Bone Growth
Our middle ear contains three bones. If there is an abnormal growth in any of these, it may damage the ear and cause hearing loss.
Damages In The Inner Ear
The inner ear functions by transforming sound vibrations into electrical waves and directing these towards the brain. However, with aging or exposure to loud noise, the transmissions do not happen effectively, resulting in partial or complete hearing loss.
Can Hearing Loss Be Reversed?
Sadly, treatment cannot reverse all hearing losses except if it is due to ear wax blockage. However, seeking medical help at the right time can help you control the situation and not cause complete hearing loss.
Here are a few tips to protect the ear from degenerating-
- Seek medical help in case of any hearing loss
- Use hearing aids
- Plastic earplugs help in high noise situation
- Take regular hearing tests
Our ear health depends on how we take care of it. Not poking the ear is advice given from early childhood and must be adhered to. Also, avoiding loud noises will maintain your ear health for a long. Yet if you face hearing loss, consult a doctor immediately and use adequate medication.